Welcome to XIII Convocation Services

XIII Convocation will be held tentatively on First/Second week - March -2025. Those who want Original Degree Certificate before XIII-Convocation they can apply in Pre-Convocation mode.

** NOTE : Last date for applying the Original Degree(OD) in XIII Convocation is 25-Feb-2025

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Instructions To The Candidates

The registration procedure for obtaining the original degree certificates from JNTU Hyderabad in XIII Convocation is through online mode only. The candidates have to furnish their particulars including Provisional Certificate (PC) number and the address for communication in online mode.

The application fee of Rs. 1000/- (One Thousand Rupees only) shall be paid through online mode using Credit/Debit card/UPI or Internet Banking.

Those Students who have applied for degree in Pre-Convocation mode need not apply for this Convocation.

The Students Who have already paid Rs. 600/- for the Original Degree (OD) Certificate fee in their College need to pay additional fee of Rs. 400/-

Those who have already paid Rs. 1000/- at their colleges, they need not pay, however the registration is compulsory in this Convocation for obtaining the OD Certificate.

For registration the candidates are informed to create their account by furnishing their personal details.

Further the candidates are informed to remember their passwords for any future correspondence or updates.

The User name shall be the hall-ticket number of the candidate during the study of the course for which he/she is seeking the Original Degree certificate.

The Original Degree Certificate (other than PhDs) shall be sent to the candidates to the correspondence address mentioned at the time of online registration.

In-Convocation Mode Original Degree Certificate's will dispatch after XIII Convocation and those who want Original Degree Certificate before XIII-Convocation, they can apply in Pre-Convocation mode in JNTUH online student service portal.

The last date for applying for OD in this Convocation is 25-Feb-2025.